privacy policy

This privacy statement describes how we at Dar Hashim Hotel Chain  collect, maintain and use information about individuals who visit this website. By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of information as described in this Privacy Policy. You also acknowledge that this Privacy Policy at Coral Sea may change, some parts of it may be modified, or some of its provisions may be added or deleted without the need to send prior notice. However, we always handle your personal information following the privacy policy that was in effect at the time the information and data were collected. We also make clear that any changes that may occur to this policy will be posted on this page so that you are fully aware of the types of information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances it may be disclosed. Our Privacy Policy is located on our home page and is also available on any page where personal data is requested. At these data collection points, further clarification can be provided where necessary and to clarify the purposes for which the data will be used.

1. Privacy Pledge

The term “Personal Data” as used in this Privacy Policy refers to information such as your name, date of birth, email address, postal address or telephone number that can be used to identify you. In general, we will only process your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. However, we reserve the right to undertake additional processing to the extent permitted or required by law or to support any legal or criminal investigation.

The following sections explain how and when we collect personal data from you.

2. Intended use of personal data

Most of our services do not require any form of registration allowing you to visit our site without telling us who you are. However, some Services may require you to provide us with Personal Data. In these cases, if you choose to withhold any Personal Data requested by us, you may not be able to access certain parts of the Site and for us to respond to your inquiry.

We may collect and use personal data to provide you with products or services, to bill you for products and services you request, to market products and services that we think may be of interest to you, or to contact you for other relevant purposes that may arise or that we notify you of when we collect personal data from you.

3. Non-disclosure of personal data

We will not sell, share or otherwise distribute your personal data to third parties except as provided in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your personal data to Coral Sea affiliates around the world who will agree to treat them following this privacy policy. Personal data may also be transferred to third parties working for us or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected or may be lawfully processed, such as to provide services, evaluate the usefulness of this website, marketing, data management. Or technical support. These third parties have contracted with us to use personal data only for the agreed purpose, not to sell your personal information to third parties, and not to disclose it to third parties except as may be required by law or as stated in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data collected from you may also be transferred to a third party in the event that the associated Customer Data is sold, assigned or otherwise transferred, in which case we will require the purchaser, assignee or transferee to process the Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Personal Data may also be disclosed to a third party if we are required to do so by applicable law, court order or governmental regulation, or if such disclosure is necessary to support or pursue any criminal or other legal investigation here or abroad.

4. Right of access, correction and objection

When we process personal data, we take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which it was collected. We will provide you with the ability to object to the processing of your personal data if such processing is not reasonably required for a legitimate business purpose as described in this Policy or our compliance with the law. In the case of direct electronic marketing, we will provide you with a way to opt out of receiving further marketing materials or a way to opt in if required by law. If you wish to contact us regarding our use of your personal data or object to the processing of your personal data, please email us at If you contact us, please state the name of the website on which you provided the information, as well as the specific information you would like us to correct. Or update or delete it in addition to the appropriate identification for you. Requests to delete personal data are subject to any legal or ethical reporting, documenting or retention obligations.